Wednesday 1 May 2013

Politics Rant.

Rant Beggining!
So the other day I went to a car boot and got a v for Vendetta Guy fawks mask. I found it completly by accident but I thought it would be interesting to look up anonymous on ebay. Omg They had pages and pages of those masks, I mean, I know that Anonymous are using that mask, but I didn't know how popular it is. if you google it, you get wikapidia, and a load of pictures of the guy Fawks mask again. On Wikapidia I was suprised to see how little they mentioned the occupy movment as it was mutch more wide spread as there information implies. I know Wikipidia is not that reliable but still I hoped it would be a little more realistic. The occupy movement was Huge and there was evidence of it in most major cities across the UK not to mention America and other countries. but hey guess what BBC news didn't publish it. Just like it barely mentioned the bad turn out for Margeret Thatchers Funeral, or the fact that, in Liverpool the big BBCone TV screen was turned off for the whole day. Or the grand turn out of only like, 2 people watching other big tv screens. Basicaly I have to find out whats going on in the world (The best i can ) on my own because the news just seems to be telling us what the government want the world to look like and not how it actualy is. And with the ridiculous cuts causing problems sutch as an 80% rise in teacher suicides peaking around the time of ofsted inspections and the BBC giving the Selling of the NHS vertualy no coverage I am beggining to wonder if anything the politicians say is True at all. I mean the only people who seem to be benefiting from anything they have done so far is themselfs and the people who they know. coinsidence?
anyway Rant over!

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