Tuesday 14 May 2013

Followers And Future Careers!

So I now have followers that arn't just my mum! (Yay) This means I will have to work harder to spell stuff right and write interesting posts. mum has had some facebook comment which are really nice so thanks for them I am over the moon!

Right well, I get asked alot; "What do you want to be when you grow up?" This question is really annoying because I don't know. But if you asked an adult "So what do you do?" they would say something like; "Oh, I work in a shop." or whatever, because when people say what do you do they mean what job do you do. So if you asked an adult what they did and they said "Oh, I draw cartoon strips. But I have to stop drawing, to work in a shop. Quite annoying acctualy." Then they would be talking about themselfs, because usualy peopls jobs don't say as much about them as their hobbies.
It's the same kind of thing when I am asked what I want to be I think "Well happy obviously." but I have to say "I dunno. An artist?" and then i sound like a loony. So what you are and what you do to live are different, and what you want to be and what you dicide you will do are very different things too.
The funniest thing is that most adults don't know what they want either.
So who and what do you want to be? And when you choose (or when you chose) your career, did you/ will you, choose what you want, or what you think you need?
What is more important for you? A regular income or a happy life?

I think I might be a film director, or an artist and whatever job I have i will just be happy!
P.S. To comment you need to select thee post you want to comment on from the list of posts on the side, and at the bottom of the post you can comment easily! thanks. 

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