Sunday 5 May 2013

5 Reasons to LOVE Home education (Or not)

So The local elections are over and now we are looking at who we voted for and thinking "Why did I vote for them/ What was I thinking?" Well In the area I live we had 2 options. Conservative or UKIP. So where is everyone else? And if anyone else had been there to vote for who would I have voted for? Well the green party (Though they are small) answer most of my problems. But..... And its a big but. The Greens like so many other parties, do not like home education. Now this is mostly because one of their most famous members, is a teacher. The biggest problem home educators have with support, is that so many people, just don't understand. So I'll explain.

1. First there are several kinds of Home Ed. The two main types are structured, and autonomous. Structured Home ed is a lot like school. There are set lessons and some people follow the national curriculum. this branch of  Home Ed is often popular with special needs or Severely ill children, who can't learn at the same pace or have to take time out of school for medical treatment. Many parents also choose to educate their children this way because they simply prefer it. On the other hand there is autonomous or unschooled home ed. This can mean anything from having set themes, and letting the children do their own projects, to having no structured schooling at all.

2. The second thing you should know is that all types of home schooling are proven ways of successfully educating kids. Research shows that many home educated children are more motivated and work harder than ordinary school children. The Institute for learning's magazine 'Reflect' has an article by author Geoff Petty, that says testing is demotivational, he says: "How would you feel If your boss tapped you on the shoulder and said -Your teaching isn't as good as everyone else's you know- and how long would you remain motivated if he/she did that every other day. Yet we effectively do the same thing when we grade our students."

3. Third that Home Educated children do socialise. Not only do many Home Ed kids have school educated friends there are also after school clubs and Home Education groups that have weekly sessions, open days and trips. Also many Home Ed children choose to have friends who are adults which helps prepare them for the adult world (What better way to learn how to be grown up, than talking to, well.... grown ups.) So Home Ed children are often mature smart and boring school lessons haven't had the chance to stifle their creativity.

4. Home Educated children can and often do take tests and exams. Any home ed child can take GCSEs and other tests if they want to. most home ed kids go to college and/or university, and do really well. The Open University is a popular choice too. A common worry is SATS. Now this kind of test is not necessary I emphasise this because at school kids are often told that these tests impact your future career. This is not true! SATS are to test the school the grades have nothing I repeat NOTHING to do with the child they are teacher tests. They go on the schools league tables and have no actual baring on the child except a dim veiw of how well they remembered certain information on a certain unimportant day. They mean Nothing.

5. The last and most important point is childhood. At school kids do as they are told. They learn to sit still and tag the line. But at home they can Learn to be themselves and create whatever they want Home Educated kids see more of the world and tend to be happier than school children. They also have good jobs and grow up to be normal, working, happy people. Home Education frees them from a lot of peer pressure, and gives them the opportunity to (As One Direction put it.) Live while they're young.

So now I am Done I suppose the last thig to say is thank you for listening. I hope this has surprised you and maybe opened your eyes a little. So I have one last surprise.
I am Home Educated too.


The Institute for learning home page:

Education Otherwise (The official home education home page):

Home educating youtuber Ross Mountney:


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