Saturday 11 May 2013

Pointless political blogging, and Change!!!

So spring is coming at last (You never know we might actully get a summer this year too.) People are walking in the country more, getting sunburned and just genaraly enjoying the warm weather.
This is a pretty English way for me to start off. Jokey comments about how mutch it rains. genaral talking about the weather. Yea I am English, and you havent even hurd what I want to say yet.

So in England apparently another thing we do is; "Keep calm and carry on!" So for example, "Oh no It's raining; But don't worry, just put your coat on, and we will go to the open top swimming pool now, before it gets too bad. We are only gonna get wet anyway!" Or a more extreem example; "Oh no there is a madman in charge of the country, he is making us poor, and we are being evicted out onto the streets to die; But never mind, we were only gonna die one day anyway!" Ok so maby not that bad but you see what i'm getting at.

This country seems to think that sitting still and ignoring the problems are going to solve them. Everyone is finding some little way to cope, and pretend it's is only rain; 'Here one minute and then gone the next.' But this 'economic crisis' is not going away by itself. or at all if people don't do something cause the people in charge don't seem to know what they are doing. They are getting good advice from places like 'The london school of economics' which give expert advice to the government, and the government in turn, ignore them. So us 99% or Normal people (However you wnt to say it) are left with 3 choices: 1. Do as they say. 2. Protest and try to make thigs change. 3. Ignore it and hope it goes away. We chose 3.

So if you want to actully do something there are several options.
1. Organise a protest.
2. Get into olitics and help from the inside.
3. become a jurnalist and try to open people's eyes with great stories.
4. start a tv show (Spitting image type stuff) which will make people think.
5. write a pointles political blog and update it with rubbish political stuff, and then spell everything wrong. (Not like me at all then)

The moral of this story: Blogs are pointless and lets make some changes!

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