Wednesday 29 May 2013

Teenagers and Writers block!

Teenagers are mostly stereotyped as stroppy, hormonal and obsessed with their friends and who they are going out with. Obviously adults must forget what being a teenager is about pretty quickly because although this is partly true there is a lot more to it than that.
I have been a teenager for 3 years and it mostly sucks because of the mood swings and hormones and wanting to fit in. But I am also working out who I want to be. Everything I do will contribute to my personality so teenagers are all laying down the patterns for the rest of their lives. I want to spend the rest of my life doing interesting things like eating chocolate and watching Doctor Who but here are some things I think everyone should do while they are a teenager.

1.      Watch at least 5 episodes of Doctor Who (Preferably a series.)
2.      Learn to do cartwheels or handstands (If you don’t want to then do magic tricks.)
3.      Try at least 10 new hobbies before you are 16 because then you always have a backup if your career goes wrong.
4.      Get your own Pet.
5.      Write down 5 things you think people should do before they become, ‘Not a teenager’ and post them on the Internet.     
So if you havent done any one of these things yet then hurry up!


P.S. Sorry this post isn't that good. I am having trouble with the subject that I will be writing about, so I may need to think about it a bit longer before I write a decent blogpost.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Feminism and single parents.

Feminism is a word that some of people associate with crazy women who hate men or Margaret Thatcher. But that's not what feminism is about. Another misunderstanding is that feminism is no longer relevant today.
I will explain why feminism is still relevant.

First, Feminists are people who believe in equal rights for men and women, so anyone who says they think one sex is better, is not a feminist. Second Margaret Thatcher said "The battle for women’s rights has largely been won I owe nothing to women’s lib and I hate feminism It is poison."
 You get the idea.

Now my main point is that feminism is still relevant today. There is a new law that the government (Supposedly) want to bring in that prevents people on benefits including single parents from voting. I can't find anything from the UK on it but I have found an American article about it.

This article says "What about single parents? The concept doesn’t change. In this day and age, it’s usually the parent’s choices (exception: rape) that created the kid in the first place. If an individual’s marriage ends in divorce, that would be their choice as well. If this caused the need for government benefits, then through their choices they ended up being the ones not allowed to vote."

Well, first let me say that the majority of single parents are women and if you see a single man with children most people would assume he was widowed. So let’s go for a common story. A couple have children they are happy, then the father meets someone he wants to leave, his wife can't stop him, she is not happy about the divorce which is forcing her to stay at home and look after the kids instead of work, she goes on benefits, and her husband has his own life now and plenty of time to work. He can afford to vote, she can't because she is on benefits. Sexist!
There are loads of other feminist issues and feminism is definatly still relevant I am just giving you one example.
for more feminism:


Sunday 19 May 2013

The Ideal Body

The Ideal Body

I wanted to Show you a power point presentation, but i can't, so I'm doing this post the best i can without it. 

All Lies

ScienceDaily (Mar. 27, 2007) — The rail-thin blonde bombshell on the cover of a magazine makes all women feel badly about their own bodies despite the size, shape, height or age of the viewers. A new University of Missouri-Columbia study found that all women were equally and negatively affected after viewing pictures of models in magazine ads for just three minutes.

Unlimited options to "fix" every "problem," with knives, needles, or lasers—not to mention Photoshop—have created a standard of beauty (Bambi eyelashes! moonlike white teeth!) practically guaranteed to make you want to shatter your mirror.

Disappointing: Survey Says...Women Are Prouder Of Boobs Than Brains 

Feeling Bad


The current "airbrushing" culture leads to huge self-esteem problems – half of all 16- to 21-year-old women would consider cosmetic surgery and in the past 15 years eating disorders have doubled.
We don't even know we hate our bodies because we take that for granted.
We see around 5,000 photoshopped images a week.
Is this the industry taking responsibility for our broken body image, for its power? Acknowledging that they help sell not only clothes, but ideas of which bodies are acceptable?

Feeling Good


When I know that beauty is subjective, that nothing terrible would happen if I put on weight, when my desk is covered in annotated research on bodies, do I still feel bad about the way I look? Because none of us lives in a vacuum," she said. Simply acknowledging the pressure doesn't eliminate it.
Just because someone's not a size 10 it doesn't mean she's a bad person.
On one hand they're saying 'love your body', then on the other 'fat's bad, the worst thing you could do is be obese. The message 'be healthy and do exercise' is a bit different from 'be happy in your skin', isn't it?


Basically be happy whatever size you are.

But its so easy to lie!


Thursday 16 May 2013

Passion for the World

If someone told you that they didn't care about being eco friendly, what would you say? If someone said they didn't care if the 3rd world starved to death, then what would you do?
Yesterday I was faced with this problem, and I didn't do anything. (The person who didn’t care about being eco friendly is very stubborn and we have had lots of arguments about this before, she is hopeless.)
But why should she care?
Well the reality is that.... Global warming IS a problem. Starvation in the 3rd world IS a problem.
And if I don’t care then who will?
So when people say they don't care, then I have to fight for what I believe in and care even more passionately to compensate. Peolple in the 3rd world can't do much on their own, and global warming won't save itself. That is why the world ALWAYS, ALWAYS!!! Needs more people who care!
Next time you don't know whether to donate to the 3rd world, or turn that extra light off. Then remember all the people who wouldn't even consider it, and compensate for them.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Followers And Future Careers!

So I now have followers that arn't just my mum! (Yay) This means I will have to work harder to spell stuff right and write interesting posts. mum has had some facebook comment which are really nice so thanks for them I am over the moon!

Right well, I get asked alot; "What do you want to be when you grow up?" This question is really annoying because I don't know. But if you asked an adult "So what do you do?" they would say something like; "Oh, I work in a shop." or whatever, because when people say what do you do they mean what job do you do. So if you asked an adult what they did and they said "Oh, I draw cartoon strips. But I have to stop drawing, to work in a shop. Quite annoying acctualy." Then they would be talking about themselfs, because usualy peopls jobs don't say as much about them as their hobbies.
It's the same kind of thing when I am asked what I want to be I think "Well happy obviously." but I have to say "I dunno. An artist?" and then i sound like a loony. So what you are and what you do to live are different, and what you want to be and what you dicide you will do are very different things too.
The funniest thing is that most adults don't know what they want either.
So who and what do you want to be? And when you choose (or when you chose) your career, did you/ will you, choose what you want, or what you think you need?
What is more important for you? A regular income or a happy life?

I think I might be a film director, or an artist and whatever job I have i will just be happy!
P.S. To comment you need to select thee post you want to comment on from the list of posts on the side, and at the bottom of the post you can comment easily! thanks. 

Saturday 11 May 2013

Pointless political blogging, and Change!!!

So spring is coming at last (You never know we might actully get a summer this year too.) People are walking in the country more, getting sunburned and just genaraly enjoying the warm weather.
This is a pretty English way for me to start off. Jokey comments about how mutch it rains. genaral talking about the weather. Yea I am English, and you havent even hurd what I want to say yet.

So in England apparently another thing we do is; "Keep calm and carry on!" So for example, "Oh no It's raining; But don't worry, just put your coat on, and we will go to the open top swimming pool now, before it gets too bad. We are only gonna get wet anyway!" Or a more extreem example; "Oh no there is a madman in charge of the country, he is making us poor, and we are being evicted out onto the streets to die; But never mind, we were only gonna die one day anyway!" Ok so maby not that bad but you see what i'm getting at.

This country seems to think that sitting still and ignoring the problems are going to solve them. Everyone is finding some little way to cope, and pretend it's is only rain; 'Here one minute and then gone the next.' But this 'economic crisis' is not going away by itself. or at all if people don't do something cause the people in charge don't seem to know what they are doing. They are getting good advice from places like 'The london school of economics' which give expert advice to the government, and the government in turn, ignore them. So us 99% or Normal people (However you wnt to say it) are left with 3 choices: 1. Do as they say. 2. Protest and try to make thigs change. 3. Ignore it and hope it goes away. We chose 3.

So if you want to actully do something there are several options.
1. Organise a protest.
2. Get into olitics and help from the inside.
3. become a jurnalist and try to open people's eyes with great stories.
4. start a tv show (Spitting image type stuff) which will make people think.
5. write a pointles political blog and update it with rubbish political stuff, and then spell everything wrong. (Not like me at all then)

The moral of this story: Blogs are pointless and lets make some changes!

Friday 10 May 2013

Views, and cynical thinking and possible conspiracy theories

So.... Wow! today I went to update the blog and OMG! I have over a 100 more views in 1 week! Cool hu!
anyway today i will talk about Politics ang children.
Ok so if your parents follow a particular party then you are 71% likley to support the same one. Although you are 21% more likely to be more liberal than your parents and 7% more likley to be more coservative. according to    
So do you support the same parties, or have the same political views? I have similar views to my parents, but that might just be because I don't actually know that mutch about politics. The other day Dad said I should read a book on politics that he has. He said that he didn't want me to always have to say: "Yea thats what I think about politics! But I don't know for sure, thats just what my parents said." Dad wants me to have an opinion about politics whch is mine and not his. So how mutch do you really know about politics? Most people probably accept their parents opinion and vote for whatever party they are told to. In that case how do the end results - the parties in power - change with everyone voting whatever their parents did? Well, there are still well informed people, voting for what they think will help, instead of obediently following their parents. The Tory party are making alot of cuts to the education system many people won't know enough about politics to make an informed decision. Then they expect us to just vote what our parents did. if our parents didn't vote Tory then maybe they will eliminate the option to vote.


Or maybe they are just hoping that the great job they are doing running the country, will win our hearts at the next election.
Anyway whoever you choose to vote for, I hope they do good stuff Etc.

Monday 6 May 2013

Body Image, Dove and Ranting

So Dove has a Positive body image campaign. They have Real Beauty Sketches

And loads of other 'Body Friendly' Ads. And that's great. But.....

90% of girls (15-17) want to change at least one aspect of their physical appearance, Body fat being the most common.
So why has barely anyone done anything about it. Well....
When women get self conscious they try to look 'better'. By buying more makeup, more clothes, more hair product. These things make them feel like they look better. All those dieting courses, all the biscuits for comfort eating, that make you go back to the diet again. All of this so you buy more stuff! basically, if we felt good about ourselves, we wouldn't need to buy so many things. Things to cheer us up, things to make us look different, then things to make us fat again, and so the cycle continues.
With the Dove ad, although they are telling women to feel good about their bodies, they are still promoting the idea, that what we look like is the most important thing. If you think about all of the body image related deaths, tha anorexia, bulimia, diabetes and suicide then maybe you will start to see a problem with mesages like looking good is the most important thing.
So thanks alot dove you are really helping end the body image problem! (Not)

Girls’ self-esteem peaks when they are 9 years old.
80% of children who are 10 years old are afraid of being fat.
9 million teens in America below 15 years are obese, that’s three times more than in 1980.
Obese boys and girls have significantly lower self-esteem than their non-obese peers.
Up to 12% of teen boys are using unproven supplements and/or steroids.
Nearly a quarter of girls age 15-17 would consider undergoing plastic surgery.
13 percent of girls age 15-17 acknowledge having an eating disorder.
7 in 10 girls believe they are not good enough or do not measure up in some way including their looks, performance in school and relationships.
80% of 10-year-old girls have dieted.
90% of high school junior and senior women diet regularly.
Young girls are more afraid of becoming fat than they are of nuclear war, cancer, or losing their parents.
95% of people who diet instead of following a healthy meal plan will gain back the weight they lose in between one and five years.
73% of teenage girls who abuse diet pills and 79% of teenage girls who self purge frequently read women’s fitness and health magazines.
At any given time, one in every three women and one in any four men are on a diet.
9/10 of girls who are high school juniors and seniors diet while only 1/10 of high school girls are overweight.
Individuals who frequently diet often experience depression.
35% of individuals who diet only occasionally progress into pathological dieters.
2/5 of women and 1/5 would give up 3-5 years of their life to realize their weight loss goals.
The diet and diet-related product industry boasts annual revenues of $33 billion.
By 1990 the average age that a girl began dieting had dropped to eight from fourteen in 1970.
Roughly one half of girls in 4th grade are on diets.
More than half of nine and ten-year-old girls admitted that they felt better about themselves when dieting.
Often, one of the first seating disorders symptoms to manifest is poor body image.
According to a study from the University of Central Florida, nearly 50% of girls aged three to six were already concerned about their weight.
A study showed that women experience an average of 13 negative thoughts about their body each day, while 97% of women admit to having at least one “I hate my body” moment each day.
Roughly half of the women in the U.S. wear size 14 or larger though most standard clothing retailers only cater to sizes 14 and smaller.
When asked to choose their ideal body shapes, 30% of women chose one that is 20% underweight while 44% chose an ideal body shape that is 10% underweight.
A Glamour magazine survey showed that 61% of respondents felt ashamed of their hips, 64% felt embarrassed by their stomachs, while 72% were ashamed of their thighs.
One study showed that women overestimate the size of their waists by 25% and hips by 16%, while those same women could correctly estimate a box’s width.
One study showed that 75% of women consider themselves overweight when, in reality, only 25% were.
Four out of five women in the U.S. are unhappy with their appearance.
81% of ten-year-old girls experience a fear of being fat.
42% of 1st through 3rd grade girls say they wish they were thinner.
Adolescent girls are more afraid of gaining weight than getting cancer, losing their parents or nuclear war.
More than half of white, adolescent girls who are a normal weight view themselves as fat.
Seven out of ten women felt angrier and more depressed following the viewing of fashion model images.
A study that offered preschoolers a choice between two dolls that were identical except for weight, the preschoolers chose the thinner doll nine out of ten times.
Children were asked in one study to rate pictures of other children based on attractiveness. The obese child was rated less attractive than a child with a facial deformity, a child in a wheelchair and a child who is missing a limb.
One quarter of all television commercials convey a message related to attractiveness.
The rate of eating disorders in Fiji surged following the introduction of Western television programming.
A study found that viewing music videos featuring thin women correlated with a jump in body image dissatisfaction.
In Allure magazine model and actress Elizabeth Hurley stated, “I’ve always thought Marilyn Monroe looked fabulous, but I’d kill myself if I was that fat.”
Actresses Cameron Diaz, Julia Roberts and the singer Diana Ross meet the BMI criteria for anorexia.
A People magazine survey showed that 80% of female respondents felt that women in movies and television programs made them feel insecure about their bodies.

Sunday 5 May 2013

5 Reasons to LOVE Home education (Or not)

So The local elections are over and now we are looking at who we voted for and thinking "Why did I vote for them/ What was I thinking?" Well In the area I live we had 2 options. Conservative or UKIP. So where is everyone else? And if anyone else had been there to vote for who would I have voted for? Well the green party (Though they are small) answer most of my problems. But..... And its a big but. The Greens like so many other parties, do not like home education. Now this is mostly because one of their most famous members, is a teacher. The biggest problem home educators have with support, is that so many people, just don't understand. So I'll explain.

1. First there are several kinds of Home Ed. The two main types are structured, and autonomous. Structured Home ed is a lot like school. There are set lessons and some people follow the national curriculum. this branch of  Home Ed is often popular with special needs or Severely ill children, who can't learn at the same pace or have to take time out of school for medical treatment. Many parents also choose to educate their children this way because they simply prefer it. On the other hand there is autonomous or unschooled home ed. This can mean anything from having set themes, and letting the children do their own projects, to having no structured schooling at all.

2. The second thing you should know is that all types of home schooling are proven ways of successfully educating kids. Research shows that many home educated children are more motivated and work harder than ordinary school children. The Institute for learning's magazine 'Reflect' has an article by author Geoff Petty, that says testing is demotivational, he says: "How would you feel If your boss tapped you on the shoulder and said -Your teaching isn't as good as everyone else's you know- and how long would you remain motivated if he/she did that every other day. Yet we effectively do the same thing when we grade our students."

3. Third that Home Educated children do socialise. Not only do many Home Ed kids have school educated friends there are also after school clubs and Home Education groups that have weekly sessions, open days and trips. Also many Home Ed children choose to have friends who are adults which helps prepare them for the adult world (What better way to learn how to be grown up, than talking to, well.... grown ups.) So Home Ed children are often mature smart and boring school lessons haven't had the chance to stifle their creativity.

4. Home Educated children can and often do take tests and exams. Any home ed child can take GCSEs and other tests if they want to. most home ed kids go to college and/or university, and do really well. The Open University is a popular choice too. A common worry is SATS. Now this kind of test is not necessary I emphasise this because at school kids are often told that these tests impact your future career. This is not true! SATS are to test the school the grades have nothing I repeat NOTHING to do with the child they are teacher tests. They go on the schools league tables and have no actual baring on the child except a dim veiw of how well they remembered certain information on a certain unimportant day. They mean Nothing.

5. The last and most important point is childhood. At school kids do as they are told. They learn to sit still and tag the line. But at home they can Learn to be themselves and create whatever they want Home Educated kids see more of the world and tend to be happier than school children. They also have good jobs and grow up to be normal, working, happy people. Home Education frees them from a lot of peer pressure, and gives them the opportunity to (As One Direction put it.) Live while they're young.

So now I am Done I suppose the last thig to say is thank you for listening. I hope this has surprised you and maybe opened your eyes a little. So I have one last surprise.
I am Home Educated too.


The Institute for learning home page:

Education Otherwise (The official home education home page):

Home educating youtuber Ross Mountney:


Saturday 4 May 2013

Local elections: why the tories did so badly

So the whole world is talking about the local elections. The Torys didn't do very well. So everyone is really suprised. Why did so many people not vote Tory?
They sold off the NHS.
They cut the budget for the very young, the very old and the sick.
They couldn't afford to give hard working, now reduntant people homes, and yet they coud afford a huge expensive funaral for an exleader who made us worse off than they have yet.
They are making homeless people, people on benafits and Single parents seem like the bad guys, when they are the ones, making people so unhappy, that the soicide rate has gone up considaribly since the elction.

And now for my last and most important point.
They weren't even elected in the first place. No they had alot of votes sure. But they weren't elected. they had to join forces with the Lib Dems so they had enough votes to get in. So we are stuck with a party who are kicking us in the face and denying it. Who havent even been voted in properly. And they wonder why we didn't vote for them enough!
Still confused?
Well google David Cameron and see what people think about him. If you google just his name you get a load of news articles Etc. But if you add "liar" to the end of it. You get rants and news articles and youtube videos and anger and a website claiming that 77% of us don;t like him at all.

Thats all for now enjoy the internet anger.

Bad Poetry Rant Style!

So I thought I would share a poem with you. I write these when I am particualy annoyed so don't expect it to be any good.

The Girl With No Face

I'm everywhere around you
You see me on every screen
I'm something to look down to
I am what not to be

I'm a plus size model
A body with no face
Pixelate my personality
And call me a discrace

Laugh but don't become me
Or they will laugh at you
You don't even know me
You don't have a clue

I'm the panning shot on the 10oclock news
Someone you'll never meet
But that doesn't meen you should judge me
When you can only see my feet

So next time you are filming
Or a new clothes line arrives
Then don't you dare ignore me
Just look me in the eyes

Cause I may not be that skinny
I'm twice the size of you
But show how great my hair is
And show I'm human too.

Thanks for reading my rant in the form of a bad poem.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Number time!

So I tought I would Share some figures with you. these are all aproximate calculations.

8 million Americans have some sort of eating disorder.
one in 200 American wemen suffer from anarexia.
10 - 15% of people with anarexia or bulimia are male.
anorexia is the 3rd most cronic illness among adolecence.
50% of girls between 11 and 13 see themselfs as over weight.
only 1 in 10 people with eating disorders receive treatment.
About 80% of the girls and wemen who have care for their eating disorders didn't get the intencity of treatment they need and are often sent home earlier than the recomended recovery time.
95% of people with eating disorders are between the ages of 12 and 25.
18% of 13 year olds have attempted to loose weight.
so these are only some of the figures from one website (the link is below)

so thats all for now

Politics Rant.

Rant Beggining!
So the other day I went to a car boot and got a v for Vendetta Guy fawks mask. I found it completly by accident but I thought it would be interesting to look up anonymous on ebay. Omg They had pages and pages of those masks, I mean, I know that Anonymous are using that mask, but I didn't know how popular it is. if you google it, you get wikapidia, and a load of pictures of the guy Fawks mask again. On Wikapidia I was suprised to see how little they mentioned the occupy movment as it was mutch more wide spread as there information implies. I know Wikipidia is not that reliable but still I hoped it would be a little more realistic. The occupy movement was Huge and there was evidence of it in most major cities across the UK not to mention America and other countries. but hey guess what BBC news didn't publish it. Just like it barely mentioned the bad turn out for Margeret Thatchers Funeral, or the fact that, in Liverpool the big BBCone TV screen was turned off for the whole day. Or the grand turn out of only like, 2 people watching other big tv screens. Basicaly I have to find out whats going on in the world (The best i can ) on my own because the news just seems to be telling us what the government want the world to look like and not how it actualy is. And with the ridiculous cuts causing problems sutch as an 80% rise in teacher suicides peaking around the time of ofsted inspections and the BBC giving the Selling of the NHS vertualy no coverage I am beggining to wonder if anything the politicians say is True at all. I mean the only people who seem to be benefiting from anything they have done so far is themselfs and the people who they know. coinsidence?
anyway Rant over!