Monday 29 September 2014

He For She


Everyone is talking about Emma Watsons He for She campaign speech at the UN.

Celebrities are getting involved with people like David Tennant tweeting and campaigning. And I think that's great.

One thing that stood out to me in Emma Watsons speech was the fact she said that feminism is an unpopular word, and it is something I have thought about for a while. I thought humanism would be a better word or simply equality. They both mean the same thing as feminism. The word feminism implies that it is all about being female but it really isn't. Women fought for the right to be equal to men because they were (and in some cases still are) considered less than men for a long time. But feminism has never just been about women, it is about gender equality, and that means the freedom to be whatever you want and not be restricted by your gender.

I am a feminist!

it is a hard thing for anyone, women or men, to say. But it is true for so many people who didn't even know it yet. Caitlin Moran talks about feminism in her book 'How To Be A Woman'.

“We need to reclaim the word 'feminism'. We need the word 'feminism' back real bad. When statistics come in saying that only 29% of American women would describe themselves as feminist - and only 42% of British women - I used to think, What do you think feminism IS, ladies? What part of 'liberation for women' is not for you? Is it freedom to vote? The right not to be owned by the man you marry? The campaign for equal pay? 'Vogue' by Madonna? Jeans? Did all that good shit GET ON YOUR NERVES? Or were you just DRUNK AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY?”

So as you can see being a feminist literally means that you want women to be able to own their own bodies.

The most important part of the speech was of course the part about men being feminists.
The person who taught me most about feminism and also the person who probably made me a feminist, is my Dad. He is the most passionate feminist I know. My Mum is also a feminist but for some reason he was the one I talked to about this. I learned from both of them from a very young age that girls and boys are pretty much the same apart from some anatomy and I believed it until I went to school.
 Much as I would like to quote 'How To Be A Woman' in it's entirety right now I won't, but I recommend it to anyone who isn't sure if they are a feminist or not. Also anything written by Gloria Steinem.

If you look back over this blog you will see that I have written a lot of posts about feminism and I have mentioned that I am one a lot. I don't know what people think when I say that but I know that everyone's reaction seems to be big. Either you hate it or you love it or you passionately disagree with commenting. Whatever it is everyone has an opinion and  no one wants to go unheard.

I started this blog because I felt like just another voice in a large crowd but as I get older I start to see more and more voices saying what I want to say, and sometimes, you just have to support them. Sometimes just one voice can make the biggest difference. Emma Watson has just proved that.

So I am asking all three of the people who will probably actually ever see this blog to support Emma Watson and her speech, and her campaign. Write a post like this or just tweet #HeForShe because support is what this cause needs and every voice in this crowd is important, every new feminist and everyone who cares plays a part.

It could be just a passing comment or just one random tweet that changes the world, but the more random tweets and passing comments there are, the more likely the world is to get changed.


Sunday 14 September 2014



I always start by saying hi, I think it is just polite. It is quite important to start off well I think. I write a lot, it is a good way to vent frustration and express things, by things I mean feelings and by feelings I mean everything that's going on in my mind. Thoughts and feelings and things. Expressing yourself is important and people do it all the time. The art you like, the music you listen to, the wallpaper on your phone and what you wear. People personalise everything, because they can. Because it gives them the illusion of control.

I have a very small bedroom, actually my bedroom is half a room I share with my two sister with a curtain (an old tie dyed double sheet) across the middle to separate me and give me my own space. So privacy is very important to me and I keep the curtain closed a lot. I think it all boils down to this.

'If you take away a man's important decisions, he will render important, the decisions he is able to make.'

I don't know who said this and apart from the slightly sexist fact that it is about 'men' not 'people' it is a great quote. Words of wisdom!

The decisions most people I know render important really aren't, so what does that say about the decisions we are able to make. Maybe people are obsessed with personalising everything because what colour their phone is, is the most important decision they can make. What if we could make more important decisions? What then?

A child who complains because they want to eat something different for dinner, they do it because they don't have a choice and they want one. Children don't get a lot of choices, the adults do everything for them. So if you offer that same child three different foods that they like, they will be happy with their choice usually.

So if you take a child who wants to play football all day, or draw all day. But instead they have to go to school. That child could become difficult because the little control they have has been taken away. So they kick up a fuss about their homework, or their lunchbox, or anything.

Someone with a personalised pair of trainers is no better. They can't control anything in their life so they control the exact shade of red they want or the 'Game Of Thrones' themed pictures on their shoes.

What if people were given choices? If they were aloud to have a say in the running of the country of the work schedule or anything. If they had control of the important decisions they wouldn't care so much about their shoes.

And maybe, it works the other way too. If they weren't distracted by trivial decisions like what wallpaper they wanted on their phone, maybe they would notice that they don't have control over anything important. That we don't have control over anything important.


Tuesday 26 August 2014

Be Honest - Be Yourself?


I am so sick of lying!

Advertisers telling the world that you need their product, musicians singing about things they don't understand or even mean. And the worst lies of all, the lies the public tell themselves.

I want to be individual, I want to just be myself.

Oh how I hate the phrase "Be Yourself" not because of what it means, but because of what it has come to mean.

When you look at it you think it says. "Be whoever you want and be honest with the world about who you are!" Yea, it doesn't mean that. It means, "Be relaxed and talk about normal things. you don't want people to think your trying too hard"

If I were to actually wander around being myself, I would be strolling down the high street wearing long black trench coats any day of the week, or listening to Bach on my iPod and telling people about Greenpeace. (Ok so I do have Bach on my iPod, I do talk about Greenpeace sometimes and I down two trench coats, but I don't  make a big deal out of it.)

I wish the world would say "BE YOURSLEF" and mean it. or at least say "BE THE SAME AS EVERYONE ELSE" and not lie to us.

I consider myself a feminist for two reasons, 1) I am a free woman. (Mostly) 2) I want to stay that way. But even people who aren't feminists (aka those who think women should be owned by men) tell the truth about it. I won't broadcast the fact I am a feminist but if you asked me I would tell you the truth.
And that is how everything should be, people should be aloud to be weird. Even if people are quiet about it they should be able to tell people they are weird when they ask.    

I like to think of people who consider themselves weird but try to act normal as 'closet weirdo's' the best news is that everyone is at least a bit weird, so everyone can be a closet weirdo.

But in the words of everyone who has ever had a secret, Stop Hiding!

If you believe all women are stupid, then at least come out and say it. By the same token don't blame me if women beat you up for being honest.
If you are a militant feminist, let me hear it. We need more people telling the truth, even if their truth is a load of rubbish.

Next time you see someone say, Be Yourself, do it. actually do it. don't sit around rolling your eyes and looking at that untrue ridicules phrase, laugh in their faces and be weird, be a downright freak if you want to. Do something properly silly. But do it because it is you! Do something true, please. We need more truth in the world. Next time someone says "Are you OK" give them a full report. Or when someone asks what you have been doing lately, tell them truthfully.

Be honest when you post your status on Facebook , even if you just decide not to Photoshop your new profile picture. Or not to say you have had a good day when actually only the afternoon was ok.

Please, please tell people the truth, because people lie too much, and I'm not even sure what to believe any more.

So, be weird, tell the truth and do something spontaneous.


Monday 25 August 2014

Adressing Elephants


There is an elephant in the room when it comes to women. And I want to address it.

Yes, every month women bleed. From their wombs. (Yes I'm getting straight to the point.)

Everyone from Joan of Arc and Gloria Steinem to Katy Perry and Kate Middleton have periods.

So if everyone has them, why then is it such an elephant in the room?
Because 1) Men don't have them. 2) It's gory, and 3) People consider it too personal.

How is it personal to bleed? when a man cuts his finger does he hide it behind his back and pretend it didn't happen. No. When a woman is bleeding into her knickers she hides it though. Yes it is a bathroom thing, like poo and wee and farts. All of these are not considered conversation for polite society.

So let's all talk about periods and get everyone used to it. In Victorian times saying legs was rude, now anyone can say it. Legs, legs, legs. Talking about periods can soon join the ranks of subjects like legs and colds and being depressed. things that all have, or are, becoming easier to talk about in polite society.

Let's start with a basic explanation for those of you who don't know.

Every 20 something days a woman bleeds from her vagina. The bleeding can last from two days of light spotting and panty liners to a full week of gore. when a girl starts her periods, they aren't regular they can pop up at any moment and can last from days to months. when her periods even out it gets easier.

Some girls are in constant pain throughout there entire period, some get occasional cramps and some get away without pain at all.
But I haven't even started on being premenstrual yet.

Most people have heard of PMS (Premenstrual syndrome) and most know at least the basics of what it is.

Everyone's period's and PMS experiences are different so I will explain from my point of view:

My PMS lasts a full week. I get these symptoms:
  • Massive zits all over my face.
  • Greasy hair.
  • Mood swings.
  • Extreme Tiredness. 
  • Getting irritable.
  • Getting emotional.
  • Craving food.
  • Aching muscles.
  • Sensitive boobs.
  • Clumsiness.
  • Slow mindedness
  • Feeling dirty, like you need an extra shower.
So for me PMS sucks! Let's talk about the blood.

Yes it takes some time to get used to the blood when you start your periods. Yes some girls get anaemic. but the blood, for many girls, is not the worst part.
The blood is the part that stops us wearing white jeans, but it is the tiredness that stops us roller-skating.

The symptoms of PMS are similar to the symptoms of having a period except for me the tiredness is worse.

I feel pretty much constantly exhausted when I have my period.

The other symptoms are the same as PMS plus blood loss symptoms, so you need to drink more water. Really having your period is like being ill. You have to eat and drink more healthily to keep the blood loss from effecting you, you sleep more to regain the energy being used up, and you feel like curling into a ball and lying on your bed crying for the duration of your menstrual cycle.

I feel like all my energy is being drained into my knickers.

So yes, having your period effects your life a lot. you can't just decide to go swimming, you can't do anything too tiring or exercise too extravagantly. (Well you probably could but like I said, it feels the same as being ill, and who wants to go out hiking or partying when their ill?)

So being able to talk about your period, or even get people to give you a little slack when you are menstruating would be nice. It would only be practical really. But no, women can't talk about that. Why?

Obviously the three reasons I gave you earlier, but here's what other people think:

Here is what some would consider the authority on this subject:

and men's point of view:

So having a period has a massive effect on our lives and yet we can't even discuss it. We don't even have the freedom to say, "Sorry if I wasn't on top of my game today, I was premenstrual." Or just get an extra bathroom break when we have our periods.

So don't let this elephant carry on holding us back. address the elephant and talk about your period with people, make it an accepted topic, and most of all don't be afraid to explain when it has effected your work or social life.



Thursday 21 August 2014

Depression, My Guide.


Depression is a subject I have talked about before but today I would like to look at it from a different point of view.

(Warning! This post is completely opinion and point of view. The only facts are the fact that every opinion belongs to a real person. Depression is subjective. Everyone suffers in a different way, depression is a term which covers many different types of the feeling described.)

How to get out of depression.

I say 'get out of' because it really is like a black hole you need to climb from and this post will hopefully help people who have depression and those who want to understand it.

Often something meant to snap them out of it could have the opposite effect and something you were worried about might be just the thing to make them better.

Depression changes people.
Don't expect a person to be the same after a depression than they were before.

The thing that 'beats depression' could be a passing comment or a song or video. It could be anything.
You can't end someone's depression for them, they have to do it themselves.

What is it like to be depressed?

I don't think this question is asked enough. It is the most important question to ask yourself because it helps to show you how much being depressed really effects your life. the first rule to solving a problem is to understand it better.

Being depressed makes you feel, not sadness, but apathy, to everything. You feel separated from the world. it is like looking through sunglasses on a cloudy day; out of focus and dark.
Here is what other people think and feel about depression.

'A lot of people don't realise that depression is an illness. I don't wish it on anyone, but if they would know how it feels, I swear they would think twice before they just shrug it.' Jonathan Davis.
People often don't admit or even believe they are depressed until the last minute.
"I'm fine I'm just going through a bad patch." would be something a depressed person might say.
Being depressed makes you feel as though, instead of having a veil over your mind, the veil has been lifted and you are seeing the truth.
How does knowing you have depression make you feel?
Guilty, you feel like there should have been something you could have done to prevent this.
You feel bad that you are effecting other people around you.
you feel as if you can hide the fact you are depressed so it only effects you.
  • Alone
  • Useless
  • Ashamed
  • Ugly
  • Pointless
  • Aimless
  • Self-conscious
  • Like all of your emotions have been turned down like a volume control. All you feel is cold hard reality.

How does it feel to know someone with depression?

I interviewed, my Mother who knows about dealing with people who have depression.

Me: How does it feel to know someone with depression?

Mum: You worry about them, you feel helpless. It's frustrating, it's not a logical thing you know? You feel so helpless because there's nothing you can say, or do.

Me: What do you do for that person?

Mum: listen. It's difficult because there is so little you can do. Be there and support them in whatever they do that you think is positive. Try to be positive to them, try and remind them of all the good things, and how much you like, love them.

Me: what is the worst part?

Mum: seeing somebody you love suffer and not being able to do anything about it.

Me: What would you say to other people who know someone with depression?

Mum: Encourage them to get help, professional help. Try and be patient with them. And try and be enthusiastic with their recovery. Because it's when they say 'yea ok I need help' that's when they'll need you.

Me: What would you say to people with depression?

Mum: There isn't any one thing you can say to people because there are so many types of depression. don't be afraid to ask for help from your friends because they'll want to help. The most important thing is to fess up and say, 'yea I have depression' and to not be afraid to ask them for help.

Inspiration to get better.

Remember that there are colours in the world, and however much you believe that you can't handle the world, you can. We were built to be able to handle the world.

Ships can live their life in the harbour but they were built to sail the seas.


Tuesday 5 August 2014


Hi, did you miss me?

I haven't posted in over six months and I am sorry. But today's post is a little different!
Some time ago I posted a blog post called, "InkyFingers VS LessInkyFingers" Link Below:

In this post, I explained why I was changing the name of my blog. In this post I will change it again.

The reason I want to change, is because I want to change what I write. I am a very opinionated person who's opinions are not restricted to politics and society. I want to write everything. From now on I hope to expand the subjects I write about to... anything!
If you want me to write about a particular subject leave me a comment and I will see what I can do.

So don't be surprised if you see a lot more posts with a bigger variety of themes from now on.

Keep being angry,


Monday 14 April 2014

Veet Advert


Veet have just released a new set of adverts:

All of these adverts feature women who don't have hairless bodies. Each ad shows a beautiful woman who suddenly reveals that she has less than hairless legs, armpits etc. and therefore cannot be a woman; she turns into a man. This implies that if a woman is not perfectly hairless, then she must be masculine, and therefore not a real woman.

There is a lot of debate as to whether or not the ad really is sexist:

Although for a while now, shaving everything on your body if you are a woman has become not only fashionable but normal. The idea that we can't be beautiful and natural, we can only be beautiful or natural, is one of the problems which has made women especially uncomfortable in their own skin. (But has also made women feel that they need the products these adverts sell, or else they won't be good enough)

So as well as being a body image issue, it is also a feminist issue. The idea that all women are hairless or else they are not very feminine, seems to play a big part in this ad. Many women don't shave there whole bodies and yet they are still very feminine. It is demeaning to think that you can not be a real woman unless you are hairless, and yet this ad plays on the insecurities of the many women who worry about being too masculine and not girlie enough.

So, this classy ad plays off the insecurities of women and sells a product to people who worry about the way they look, while helping them feel worse. The nice people at Veet have had this response:

But what do Veet think?

So, do you think it's sexist?

Good luck throwing your opinion around on this subject.


Tuesday 4 February 2014



This Blog post is all about this link:

An American student protested to her head teachers sexist attitude by posting a picture of herself on tumblr and by making public statements about it. Her teacher made comments about the school uniform saying; "Modest is hottest" and "Boys will be boys." A sociologist who supports her says "In thinking about these two phrases specifically, both have many implicit messages. Modest is hottest: The word ‘hot,’ when used to describe an individual’s appearance, clearly has a sexual connotation. I doubt that this is what he intended. But this is precisely the problem—we throw these phrases around without thinking through what we are actually saying. This is what we expect of kids, but not of adults, and especially not adults charged with working directly with young people.” So feminism is still an issue. I wrote a blog post about whether feminism is an issue a little while ago:

This girl stood up for her sex because she believes that we still don't have equality. Most feminists don't expect equal treatment for all people, since people are different and some jobs do suite some people better. What they want are equal opportunity's. As Gloria Steinem says women were (and in some cases still are) second class citizens or less.
Of course women's suffrage was not aimed at getting the vote! It was aimed at getting the vote back! As I keep being told by my wonderful father; If you don't keep your eye on the ball, you will loose it! Here is a modern day feminist, (Who is not Malala) :

   This is about why feminism is still relevant today using robin Thicke as a reference point.  

And my customary DIY link. What do you think here is a debate:

The other side of the argument:

10 reasons we still need feminism:

But feminists are often seen as weird, crazy and worst of all unnecessary. Feminism in the media, with songs and YouTube videos means that it is slowly becoming more wide spread. here are some examples:

So yea! As long as people still talk about it and care, feminism seems to be relevant.

feminism seems to be badly named as it implies that it is all about females. It is not, it is about equality.

Happy ranting,


Sunday 12 January 2014

Depression - 5 steps to feeling better. Yay!


Many people get depressed in the winter, this can be due to short days, lack of sunlight, the cold, and pretty much anything that happens in winter. Ironically the festive season sees a spike in suicide rates. Depression is surprisingly common and although many people suffer form it in some shape or form many people don't understand it. Despite this if you Google 'depression help' or 'I'm depressed'  then you will find help pages, blogs, YouTube videos and quizzes to help. The NHS have a help page too:

The only way to really know if you are depressed is to see a doctor. But often there are many things you can do for yourself. Here is a basic list of things to do if you feel depressed. (Even though being depressed you may not feel like doing anything.)

1. Talk to someone - this is probably the most important thing you can do as it is important to socialise and to have someone to talk to about how you feel.

2. Get physical exercise, preferably everyday. - although this may be the last thing you feel like doing but it will make a massive difference)

3. A little of what you want, can be exactly what you need - Dark chocolate has a little caffeine and it helps boost your serotonin levels. (apparently) (It is also really tasty) eating a little sweet food is fine, but just a little, comfort eating is not a good idea.

4. Do things you enjoy - Have a little fun and get out of the house, it helps, Smiling releases chemicals in your body that make you feel better and so does giving someone a hug.

5. Sometimes you just need to mope - If you need to cry, do it, and if you want to spend a day in front of the TV then do it, but don't over do it.

Basically get well soon. This cheers me up:


Wednesday 8 January 2014

Syria and Becoming Youtube.


So this blog post will be based on a video from the 12 part YouTube series, Becoming YouTube. the series began in 2012 and the last part is due to come out soon. The series explores YouTube in a funny honest and sometimes scathing way. Becoming YouTube was created by a journalist called Benjamin Cook who was interested in the 'YouTube phenomena'. Here is the video:

I recommend watching this video before reading the post as it is the basis of what I am saying. I am also really enjoying the series so far, so here is the trailer if you want to watch it from the beginning:

The point made in this video is that Syria is not like the charity ads and news articles on TV. It is real and not so far away. The video was involved with Oxfam, a charity who help the refugees, Oxfam help many people in poverty around the world.
The problem with Syrian news coverage and charity ads is that, as with all media coverage, it can only show a small slice of what life is like for the refugees. A charity ad only has a few minutes of film and no sound. And a news report tends to show only the 'Newsworthy' bits, the news is the most accurate representation of the Syrian people, but finding all the facts is difficult, especially in the less organised refugee camps. The Becoming YouTube episode seemed like the most full and honest report so far and with the smiling children and more organised camps it seemed to be much closer to home.
The worst part of the Syrian conflict and the part that makes charity's like Oxfam's job harder, is that ordinary people are getting caught up in the war. The refugee camps are often the only place they can go and carrying on is all they can do.

The majority of news reports are either talking about the less organised camps and the refugees in the worst trouble, or the political side of the war. Videos and pictures are being taken to show us the front line and the fighting in Syria, often with a commentary about the politics. But the ordinary people in the camps don't talk about politics they just want to be safe and go home. In meetings all over the world our leaders are discussing whether or not to intervene. But know one knows if that will help the ordinary people.

Here is the video that Benjamin Cook recommended in Becoming YouTube explaining the Syrian crisis (the political side):

And here is another video about Syria:

An opinion:

And more:

And as usual a random news report:

and a news which isn't mainstream:

So my feelings are help the needy and don't fight and eat your 5 a day!

Thanks for listening