Sunday 12 January 2014

Depression - 5 steps to feeling better. Yay!


Many people get depressed in the winter, this can be due to short days, lack of sunlight, the cold, and pretty much anything that happens in winter. Ironically the festive season sees a spike in suicide rates. Depression is surprisingly common and although many people suffer form it in some shape or form many people don't understand it. Despite this if you Google 'depression help' or 'I'm depressed'  then you will find help pages, blogs, YouTube videos and quizzes to help. The NHS have a help page too:

The only way to really know if you are depressed is to see a doctor. But often there are many things you can do for yourself. Here is a basic list of things to do if you feel depressed. (Even though being depressed you may not feel like doing anything.)

1. Talk to someone - this is probably the most important thing you can do as it is important to socialise and to have someone to talk to about how you feel.

2. Get physical exercise, preferably everyday. - although this may be the last thing you feel like doing but it will make a massive difference)

3. A little of what you want, can be exactly what you need - Dark chocolate has a little caffeine and it helps boost your serotonin levels. (apparently) (It is also really tasty) eating a little sweet food is fine, but just a little, comfort eating is not a good idea.

4. Do things you enjoy - Have a little fun and get out of the house, it helps, Smiling releases chemicals in your body that make you feel better and so does giving someone a hug.

5. Sometimes you just need to mope - If you need to cry, do it, and if you want to spend a day in front of the TV then do it, but don't over do it.

Basically get well soon. This cheers me up:


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