Tuesday 4 February 2014



This Blog post is all about this link: http://iacknowledge.net/student-takes-on-stereotypes-and-sexism-to-reveal-americas-dress-code-problem/

An American student protested to her head teachers sexist attitude by posting a picture of herself on tumblr and by making public statements about it. Her teacher made comments about the school uniform saying; "Modest is hottest" and "Boys will be boys." A sociologist who supports her says "In thinking about these two phrases specifically, both have many implicit messages. Modest is hottest: The word ‘hot,’ when used to describe an individual’s appearance, clearly has a sexual connotation. I doubt that this is what he intended. But this is precisely the problem—we throw these phrases around without thinking through what we are actually saying. This is what we expect of kids, but not of adults, and especially not adults charged with working directly with young people.” So feminism is still an issue. I wrote a blog post about whether feminism is an issue a little while ago:


This girl stood up for her sex because she believes that we still don't have equality. Most feminists don't expect equal treatment for all people, since people are different and some jobs do suite some people better. What they want are equal opportunity's. As Gloria Steinem says women were (and in some cases still are) second class citizens or less.
Of course women's suffrage was not aimed at getting the vote! It was aimed at getting the vote back! As I keep being told by my wonderful father; If you don't keep your eye on the ball, you will loose it! Here is a modern day feminist, (Who is not Malala) : http://agirlcalledjack.com/

   This is about why feminism is still relevant today using robin Thicke as a reference point.   http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/lydia-smith/blurred-lines-feminism_b_3900546.html  

And my customary DIY link. What do you think here is a debate: http://www.debate.org/opinions/is-feminism-still-relevant

The other side of the argument: http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20131203084443AAikOqN

10 reasons we still need feminism: http://listverse.com/2013/03/16/10-reasons-we-still-need-feminism/

But feminists are often seen as weird, crazy and worst of all unnecessary. Feminism in the media, with songs and YouTube videos means that it is slowly becoming more wide spread. here are some examples:




So yea! As long as people still talk about it and care, feminism seems to be relevant.

feminism seems to be badly named as it implies that it is all about females. It is not, it is about equality.

Happy ranting,


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