Thursday 21 August 2014

Depression, My Guide.


Depression is a subject I have talked about before but today I would like to look at it from a different point of view.

(Warning! This post is completely opinion and point of view. The only facts are the fact that every opinion belongs to a real person. Depression is subjective. Everyone suffers in a different way, depression is a term which covers many different types of the feeling described.)

How to get out of depression.

I say 'get out of' because it really is like a black hole you need to climb from and this post will hopefully help people who have depression and those who want to understand it.

Often something meant to snap them out of it could have the opposite effect and something you were worried about might be just the thing to make them better.

Depression changes people.
Don't expect a person to be the same after a depression than they were before.

The thing that 'beats depression' could be a passing comment or a song or video. It could be anything.
You can't end someone's depression for them, they have to do it themselves.

What is it like to be depressed?

I don't think this question is asked enough. It is the most important question to ask yourself because it helps to show you how much being depressed really effects your life. the first rule to solving a problem is to understand it better.

Being depressed makes you feel, not sadness, but apathy, to everything. You feel separated from the world. it is like looking through sunglasses on a cloudy day; out of focus and dark.
Here is what other people think and feel about depression.

'A lot of people don't realise that depression is an illness. I don't wish it on anyone, but if they would know how it feels, I swear they would think twice before they just shrug it.' Jonathan Davis.
People often don't admit or even believe they are depressed until the last minute.
"I'm fine I'm just going through a bad patch." would be something a depressed person might say.
Being depressed makes you feel as though, instead of having a veil over your mind, the veil has been lifted and you are seeing the truth.
How does knowing you have depression make you feel?
Guilty, you feel like there should have been something you could have done to prevent this.
You feel bad that you are effecting other people around you.
you feel as if you can hide the fact you are depressed so it only effects you.
  • Alone
  • Useless
  • Ashamed
  • Ugly
  • Pointless
  • Aimless
  • Self-conscious
  • Like all of your emotions have been turned down like a volume control. All you feel is cold hard reality.

How does it feel to know someone with depression?

I interviewed, my Mother who knows about dealing with people who have depression.

Me: How does it feel to know someone with depression?

Mum: You worry about them, you feel helpless. It's frustrating, it's not a logical thing you know? You feel so helpless because there's nothing you can say, or do.

Me: What do you do for that person?

Mum: listen. It's difficult because there is so little you can do. Be there and support them in whatever they do that you think is positive. Try to be positive to them, try and remind them of all the good things, and how much you like, love them.

Me: what is the worst part?

Mum: seeing somebody you love suffer and not being able to do anything about it.

Me: What would you say to other people who know someone with depression?

Mum: Encourage them to get help, professional help. Try and be patient with them. And try and be enthusiastic with their recovery. Because it's when they say 'yea ok I need help' that's when they'll need you.

Me: What would you say to people with depression?

Mum: There isn't any one thing you can say to people because there are so many types of depression. don't be afraid to ask for help from your friends because they'll want to help. The most important thing is to fess up and say, 'yea I have depression' and to not be afraid to ask them for help.

Inspiration to get better.

Remember that there are colours in the world, and however much you believe that you can't handle the world, you can. We were built to be able to handle the world.

Ships can live their life in the harbour but they were built to sail the seas.


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