Tuesday 26 August 2014

Be Honest - Be Yourself?


I am so sick of lying!

Advertisers telling the world that you need their product, musicians singing about things they don't understand or even mean. And the worst lies of all, the lies the public tell themselves.

I want to be individual, I want to just be myself.

Oh how I hate the phrase "Be Yourself" not because of what it means, but because of what it has come to mean.

When you look at it you think it says. "Be whoever you want and be honest with the world about who you are!" Yea, it doesn't mean that. It means, "Be relaxed and talk about normal things. you don't want people to think your trying too hard"

If I were to actually wander around being myself, I would be strolling down the high street wearing long black trench coats any day of the week, or listening to Bach on my iPod and telling people about Greenpeace. (Ok so I do have Bach on my iPod, I do talk about Greenpeace sometimes and I down two trench coats, but I don't  make a big deal out of it.)

I wish the world would say "BE YOURSLEF" and mean it. or at least say "BE THE SAME AS EVERYONE ELSE" and not lie to us.

I consider myself a feminist for two reasons, 1) I am a free woman. (Mostly) 2) I want to stay that way. But even people who aren't feminists (aka those who think women should be owned by men) tell the truth about it. I won't broadcast the fact I am a feminist but if you asked me I would tell you the truth.
And that is how everything should be, people should be aloud to be weird. Even if people are quiet about it they should be able to tell people they are weird when they ask.    

I like to think of people who consider themselves weird but try to act normal as 'closet weirdo's' the best news is that everyone is at least a bit weird, so everyone can be a closet weirdo.

But in the words of everyone who has ever had a secret, Stop Hiding!

If you believe all women are stupid, then at least come out and say it. By the same token don't blame me if women beat you up for being honest.
If you are a militant feminist, let me hear it. We need more people telling the truth, even if their truth is a load of rubbish.

Next time you see someone say, Be Yourself, do it. actually do it. don't sit around rolling your eyes and looking at that untrue ridicules phrase, laugh in their faces and be weird, be a downright freak if you want to. Do something properly silly. But do it because it is you! Do something true, please. We need more truth in the world. Next time someone says "Are you OK" give them a full report. Or when someone asks what you have been doing lately, tell them truthfully.

Be honest when you post your status on Facebook , even if you just decide not to Photoshop your new profile picture. Or not to say you have had a good day when actually only the afternoon was ok.

Please, please tell people the truth, because people lie too much, and I'm not even sure what to believe any more.

So, be weird, tell the truth and do something spontaneous.


1 comment:

  1. 'Be yourself' is a demanding phrase. I genuinely feel that I've only recently got in touch with who I am and part of that is not worrying about how other people perceive me. But having said that we all act differently depending on the situation and who we are - I have a friend who enjoys debating everything regardless of the situation, I just don't have time for this and will happily 'lie'. I am comfortable with my beliefs are don't always feel the need to stand up for them.
