Wednesday 5 June 2013

Government secrets and being a real person.

So some ware in the government someone is having an affair, everyone knows about it but no one knows who it is. They say it could be a massive political problem so they are keeping it a secret for now, but if they do reveal who it is they will probably do it when there is other interesting news so they don't make every front page. At first people joked that it might be David Cameron and Ed Milliband but apparently it isn’t someone in the cabinet, I don’t know how they would have dealt with that one cause there is a lot of homophobia and they would have both lost a lot of trust and support. But in France this week the first gay couple were married. Now its legal there will probably be a lot more, but people are still quite angry about it. I think everyone should be allowed to express themselves like the plus size American model who I will talk about in this post. This link is a BBC article about her.    

She believes that people of all shapes and sizes are beautiful, and that we should aspire to a healthy body rather than a skinny one. The comments made about this article are also interesting, with real women acknowledging the importance of feeling happy about themselves. I also saw a lot of people talking about the way that people pick on naturally skinny people like it’s their fault that they feel bad about their 'not as skinny as you' bodies. Here is the link to the comments page.

These pages were definitely inspiring and I am glad that so many people had something positive to say about it. Although I know that they won’t have used everyone’s comment they did give a good impression of the amount of people who know that you can look however you want and its alright.

But now they tell us this:

They used to tell women this:

So you see what i mean.

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