Wednesday 19 June 2013

Unique vs sheep

So when it comes to people being who they want to be, the world seems to have a problem. I mean once upon a time, people used to celebrate their differences, but now our differences are the things that break us up. People always want to be the same. Wear the same clothes, use the same kind of Facebook profile picture and talk the same. What happened to individuality? The people who stood out used to be the popular ones, the ones who everyone liked. But now they are the ones being bullied and called geeks, or weirdoes. But they are still the people who grow up to have good jobs and live happy lives because these are the people who don't have to worry about looking cool (Everyone says they’re not cool any way.) They just concentrate on being themselves. So next time someone asks if you like a new song, or the latest fashion don't just say yes because it makes you look cool, actually think about what you like. Otherwise one day you will wake up and realise you don't know who you are, you will see that everything you do is just to look cool. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever fit in and be 'normal', and then I remember that if being 'cool' and 'normal' is wearing that stupid new hairdo, or listening to that boring new song, then I don't want it.
At the same time being just one person all the time is almost impossible. For example the person I am with my family is totally different to the person I am with my friends, and all together I must be about 20 different people depending on who I'm with and what I'm doing. When you are that many different people, it's easy to get lost inside them and not know which of those people you want to be. One of the hardest things to do, is to try to keep doing what you believe is right, whatever person you're being. What I'm trying to say is, whatever happens don't sell out your ideals for a easy life. Sure sometimes it's better to keep your mouth closed, but there are times when however hard it is, you have to stand up for what you believe. And however cheesy that sounds, someone has to care about the things you care about. And if you can't say what you think, then who will?    

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