Friday 2 August 2013

Regrets And Solving Them! Before You Die!


Approximately 55.3 million people die each year. I have written the top 5 regrets in the western world. I am not writing this post to be sad, about the amount of unhappy people; I am writing it to explain what people can do, to avoid becoming one of them:

5. I wish I had let myself be happier.

People seem to think that they have no control over their emotions. This is not true, although people don’t have very much control they do have some. For example when you smile (Weather you mean it or not.) your body releases a chemical that makes you feel happy, so smiling (Weather you mean it or not.) can help you feel happier. Also however hard it is sometimes people just have to let go and have a good time, this is a choice that will make people happier so they can “Let themselves be happy.” 

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

When you have an old friend it can seem a bit unimportant, but friends are so under rated and staying in touch can make life better in the long run. “If only I had just called her/him once.” Basically take good care of your friends because one day you could be the one regretting it. People need friends; in Africa, some western people tried putting a basket of fruit on the ground and having a race with a group of small children. The first child to reach the fruit won it all. The children lined up and when the race began they all held hands and ran to the fruit together, so they all won it. The western people asked why they had done it, and they said ‘Ubuntu’ which means ‘I am because we are’ they all depend on each other.

3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.

Obviously people say ‘I will let them have what they want for a quiet life.’  But is a quiet life better? Also, how many movies have you seen, which would only have been half an hour long, if the hero/heroine had just told the love interest how they felt. I know life is not like a movie, but telling the truth can solve so many problems.

2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.

This is a good one as people say that working hard all your life is a good thing. It is but only if it makes you happy, how many people do you know who don’t like their jobs. Another way to look at this one is ‘I wish I had spent more time with my family.’ This is common since so many people work and their children all go to school all day. Some guy wrote a song about it:

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

This is the most common regret which is sad because every Disney movie seems to have this message. Be true to yourself. The problem I always had with this, is that I didn’t know who ‘Myself’ was. I didn’t know who to be, so I decided to be true to the person I want to be, rather than the person I am. Who wants to be true to all their bad habits anyway? So the moral of this story is watch lots of Disney movies!

Seriously though, if I want to work in McDonalds for the rest of my life I will, and I’ll be happy. (I don’t want to work in McDonalds for the rest of my life by the way.) And I will do what I want to do because I can. What about you?

I got the top 5 regrets from this website, you should check it out:

So live long and prosper!


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