Wednesday 24 July 2013

Woman Has Baby! (As private eye put it.)

So the royal baby has been born, and I would love to rant about the media coverage for that, but I will leave a link below, to a short news article about the media and the baby, and let you make up your own minds on that one.

One of the first things you are taught as a small child fighting with your friends is; don’t fight, just leave them alone and let them be. What parent hasn’t ever said “leave them alone love” to their child? And yet our government of fully grown men and a couple of women seem to stick their noses into other countries business all the time. When they are in the House of Commons they boo and hiss and generally cheer on their favourite politicians.
Remind you of anything?

Basically our country is being run by people who act like kids at a pantomime when they are in meetings. Who are so in touch with ‘ordinary people’ that they can waist more money than ‘ordinary people’ will ever own.
Something else all parents tell their children is don’t interrupt!
And just for fun, a cassetteboy link.

So the government are actually not so different from little children and yet they are our leaders. It is so frustrating to see that they obviously don't know what they are doing half the time. When George Osborne was asked how he would prepare for the job of chancellor he said he would buy a book.
Sorry for ranting and leaving so many links I hope they are interesting.
keep calm and carry on
P.S. Hi, I don't know if you are supposed to put a p.s. at the end of a blog post but I forgot to leave you this link:

It's an article about a woman who writes a blog on eating cheeply and benafits. Click the link above ^^^^^^^^^!!!!

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