Friday 25 October 2013

Revolution and Voting. Delia Derbyshire


So Russell Brand has been political. He said a lot of things in his interview with Jeremy Paxman, (People do tend to say 'things' in interviews) but the two 'things' that caught most peoples attention where 1. He has never voted and 2. He wants to start a revolution. lets talk about that.

People who have never voted / don't vote, often have their political complaints dismissed because 'How can they complain if they don't do anything about it e.g. vote?' But Russell Brand says that he doesn't vote because the voting system doesn't help him or people 'like him'. So he believes it would be pointless and that actually voting would be going along with a system he doesn't believe in.

When it comes to starting a revolution, he mentions the occupy movement. This was hardly given any press coverage. just like the selling of the NHS and the post office which where both sold off quietly after weeks of 'we are about to sell them off' they did it and didn't talk about it on the news until it had all blown over a bit. I am not a mad conspiracy theorist (I hope) but I think that they didn't mention those three events so know one would complain maybe. I haven't read this next link as thoroughly as I usually do but it is interesting.Mad conspiracy:

Interesting recent conspiracy theory:

OK so if we are being constantly watched or if the government has no clue what they are doing I think it is still important to stand for what you believe in. (Cheesy Disney moment.) I don't have as much faith as I could in the voting system but when I am old enough I will vote because I want to have a say and also it is the least I can do to thank the suffragettes and suffragists who made it possible for my voice to be heard.

Also I missed Ada Lovelace day this year so I will leave a link to the Delia Derbyshire petition please sign it! Especially if you like Doctor Who.

(Ada Lovelace day is a day to appreciate great women in history. Delia Derbyshire is my favourite great historical woman. She co wrote the Doctor Who theme tune but because she was a woman she didn't get any credit. She influenced electrical music forever and she deserves recognition.)


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