Monday 17 August 2015



Do you ever feel that people in the world just don't connect? It's different when you are small, people talk to you all the time, they ask about your day or how school is or what you want to be when you grow up. But now you are an empty face, another number on a computer file somewhere, an extra in the play that is your own life. Because people don't connect like they used to.

I remember making friends with people by just getting into conversation with them, if someone smiled at me I might say hello, or if they dropped something I might pick it up and start chatting, it was so easy then. Now when I see my friends they have to stop our conversations to reply to a text, or instead of working in silence they have to fill up any gaps with checking their Facebook, always communicating with the friends that aren't their about the things they aren't doing with the ones that are. People are so lonely in a crowd and is it really surprising when people talk without saying anything and smile without meaning it. We aren't connecting.

So how do you connect, maybe smile at someone just because you are happy, or ask the person serving you about their day. You could have a deep and meaningful conversation with a stranger on a bus or train or just open yourself up to really listening to other people. Take something someone you don't know very well says, and take it to heart. Because for all you know they could have the answer to all your problems if only you will listen.

Everyone has a story, at least one story and taking the time to find it out can be a rewarding and exciting experience. It is hard to learn about all those people who have no one when you are surrounded by friends or strangers, it is hard to be lonely when you are never alone.

But people can be wonderful, everyday ordinary human beings do extraordinary things and people can and do connect every second, connecting is about really talking to someone, or really understanding them, and it is not so hard if you try.

I hope this inspires at least one person to open up when usually they wouldn't, or be kind when usually they would sit by and stay quiet. this is the meaning of life, the best of what being human means and there are so many things to celebrate today, so maybe concentrate on the good rather than the bad, put down the latest newspaper and pick up some good news, put down your phone and pick up a conversation, put down your excuses and get on with living the things you dream.

As John Lennon said, "Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans."
