Tuesday 10 December 2013

Whovians and Philosophy


Do you think that the things you do and the TV shows you watch have a big effect on the way you see the world? I found a YouTube video about the idea that Doctor Who is a religion:


Also how have programs and characters like The Doctor effected individual people?


Now I am a big Doctor who fan/ Whovian. so... beware this post will be biased.
Doctor who is a hero and to quote (possibly misquote) head writer Steven Moffat "I think The Doctor would be very surprised to find that he is the main character." So doctor Who is everyone's favourite hero but he hasten just changed the lives of his companions, the dedicated fans have had there life's changed by him too. All about Whovains:


So some people live for the doctor while others just enjoy the odd episode. But the point is how does it change your life?
For many geeks, The Doctor stands for being strong and the geeks and weirdoes are the people who will change the world. The Doctor is all about hope. But as it says in the first link the Whoniverse (Doctor Who universe) has a philosophy and a way of looking at the world that sets it apart from other stories and TV. People who watch the show often take on the ideas and theories of Doctor Who as their own, therefore the Doctor has given them a way of looking at the world, a philosophy that looks at the world in a particular way.

Not all TV shows do that although if you think about it everything you watch has some kind of message or a way of seeing things that will effect or change your own. People learn from everything they see and do including watching TV.

What other shows change your views on life? For me Star Trek, and Firefly are good ones as they are Sci-Fi so they are all about the universe and they all have theories about the world that people can take on board as philosophies for their own lives.

Think about what TV, Films, Books and other stories have effected you?

Doctor who for me is not just about the episodes, it is also about the behind the scenes. Doctor who was one of the first BBC shows to be produced by a woman, the theme tune was mostly made by a woman (Delia Derbyshire) and the original director of doctor who was one of the first Indian Directors at the BBC:




So Doctor Who has changed my life, I am more hopeful about the future than I used to be, I watch the stars every night before I go to bed, (Although that is more to do with the fact that I like stars!) and I love blue police boxes. But more than that I see the world in a more exciting way and I believe that many of the scientific and philosophical opinions and theories in Doctor Who ether are very possible or at least have a good point.


Sunday 8 December 2013

I want to be different and unique just like everyone else - and Questions


At some point in everyone's life they have done something that has no other purpose except to make themselves look cooler/more interesting/quirkier. And many people do this every day, playing the newest songs wearing the coolest fashions etc. Being a teenager in 2013 I know all about this. but does everyone do this? many people restrict this kind of behaviour to hipsters and fashion victims. YouTuber Charlie McDonnell said this:


It is interesting that he doesn't seem to believe that everyone sells out to fit in, only hipsters etc. But Every time he makes a video or uses modern slang he probably thinks about what other people will think of him and acts in a way he believes people will approve of. People do little things to fit in every day, whether it's agreeing with someone when they say they like certain music or watching a TV program just so you can understand what people are talking about when they discuss it. Do you think it's worth it? Just for one nod of approval, or another lie so you can fit in more easily. I am not saying everyone does it all the time but most people must do this at least once in their life, probably a lot more than they think. fitting in is hard even for the most 'normal' people. Vivian Stanshall once said "I want to be different and unique just like every one else." What he probably meant was, everyone says they want to be different but only up to a point. No one wants to be so outrageously weird that pretending to be normal or even acceptably different would be being themselves. In other words no one wants to be so different that being themselves would mean really, really weird. So weird that they wouldn't fit in at all or maybe they think they wouldn't have any friends. This is an older blog post of mine that illustrates this point in more detail.


I talk about being different and not fitting in a lot, mostly because I consider myself to be a bit unusual and I have always had trouble fitting in. I am a 15 year old girl who is interested in politics, religion and philosophy and I am basically a geek so being normal has never really been an option. I tried to fit in lots of times. But for me, lying to fit in is worse than being weird, and I am not a very good liar.
Most people have lied to fit in at some point in their lives and admitting it is not easy. But whether or not you decide that lying or being outcast is the easiest or the most important way of living, it is an individual decision.
Obviously not everyone has to work that hard to fit in, to some people that is just the way they work. And that is great, they are lucky, but for me I am stuck being different, and although in the past (and still sometimes now.) I wish I could fit in more easily, I wouldn't have it any other way.
In 'The Invention Of Hugo Cabret' They say that everyone has a place in the world like the cogs of a clock, there are no spare parts everyone has a place, A role if you like. If this is true I don't think mine involves being 'Just like everyone else'.

I will leave you with a question to think about: Where do you fit into the world?

That's all for now.