Wednesday 27 November 2013



So many people believe that feminism isn't applicable to the modern world. I am a feminist (Not the crazy man hating kind) and I believe that so long as women feel the need to put on makeup instead of just using it to express themselves, and men feel the need to work out just to look the way they think they are expected to look. we have a long way to go. feminism is about being equal. this doesn't mean that women and men should always be treated exactly the same, for example if you want someone to play a character in a film, and the film has more male/female characters in it, your not going to get female/male actors to play the opposite sex just to be equal. that would be silly! the point of feminism is that if a woman and a man go for a job interview then the person that is hired, will only be hired because they are better qualified not because of their sex. there are still glass ceilings and feminism is still an issue. many people believe feminism is a thing of the past with war time suffragette, and women throwing themselves under horses. this is modern day feminism:

And glass ceilings:

So although many women and men think that feminism is Sorted It's not!

So what about the people who are effected by this?

Yep so maybe feminism isn't Sorted. The best thing we can do in this situation is to form our own opinions and beliefs! to do this we need all the information. usually I give you the information but today I will just give you the recourse and let you work it out. What if more people actually had an opinion? on anything!

I hope you can get all opinionated now.
thanks for listening to my rant!

Friday 1 November 2013

Why I Write This Blog


Yesterday I discovered that Googling lessinkyfingers brings my blog up at the top of the page! How cool is that. If you go on Google images then you can see pictures I have used on this blog. I was really surprised how professional it looked. Although I don't update my blog every week or write perfect posts I do put a lot of work into this and I am glad that people are interested in what I have to say. But at the same time many adults don't take me seriously. I am 15 and I am home educated. This means that many 'grown ups' probably find what I have to say silly (because of my age) uneducated (Because I am home educated) and they don't care what I think because I am not even old enough to vote yet. I don't know that's what they think but I have been dismissed because of at least one of these things in the past. I'm not saying it happens all the time or that all adults do this, but it happens enough for it to make a difference. My opinion and my views are not valued or considered just because I am young and Home educated. This happens a lot to people all over the world. people don't listen because they are: young/old/black/white/well educated/uneducated/just different. My Mum sent me this link:

The girl from this link is frustrated just like me, and being heard is difficult whoever you are. But for people like me, people who don't want to speak to crowds or lead a revolution. People who just want to be heard and to help. We are not getting a voice. I know I refer to Disney a lot when I talk about being who you want to be and doing what you believe in, but in all seriousness this Disney message is a good one. But its not as easy as that. Because however hard people try they will always care what other people think. And being beaten up for being different isn't something you can just 'get on with' so you can be 'true to yourself'. I think that whoever wrote the Disney message about 'Being yourself no matter what.' can't have been that different or ever had to face a class full of other bored 10 year olds and explain why they are vegetarian. But then if you don't fight for what you believe in, there won't be anyone else to do it for you. I also don't believe that everyone has a person inside them who's the 'real you' and all you have to do is be true to yourself and you will be a good person. Sure there are many things people can't change about themselves, but many characteristics are habits. In other words they are breakable and not permanent characteristics.

So yes doing what you believe in is important, of course it is. But being who you are is easier said than done. Especially if you don't know who you are. I don't know who I am, but I know who I want to be. I will work on that.

Thanks for listening to my rant today.
Until the next time!